Thursday, June 23, 2011

Redefining the word 'groupies'

First of all, I have typed the word 'groupies' so many times, it doesn't even look like a real word anymore.  That said, the standard definition of a groupie is a person who follows a band or celebrity around hoping to get to know them better.  That's a pretty puritan definition, and we all know what groupies are all about.  But, wikipedia also defines a groupie as an enthusiastic or uncritical follower.  I like that much better because that is exactly what our book club is.  We are book enthusiasts.  We are not critical of books in general.  We may have some constructive criticism about a specific work of literature, but I think that is a key characteristic of a true book groupie.  And so, I am pleased to introduce this blog as a means to share information regarding our wonderful group of literary ladies.  Here we will post about books we have read, books we are going to read, where we will meet to discuss the book and so forth.  Now without further ado, read on book groupies, read on!


  1. Yay!! So happy! Looks awesome and I love the definitions! Let the fun begin!

  2. Wahoo!!! So excited for this blog. I think it will be a great way for people to be informed about whats going on and maybe what they missed if they can't make it to book club.
